
Silent Words

Silent Words

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Story Of My Life !!

Bad experiences with people. They just leave a horrible bitter taste in our mouth. They breed distrust, anger, hesitance, sadness and caution. These are nothing but bricks and cement that inevitably lead to the construction of a fierce wall. A wall of defence so strong. There is no door, not even a window. We're so busy blocking out the negativity 
and protecting yourselves against harm, that we don't realise we're also very effectively blocking out the air, the 

sunshine, the view, not to mention, new visitors.

Let them in they say, let them be your comfort zone. What if that comfort zone become your only source of solace, 
what if you get devoted to the solace and out of no where you find yourself in No man's land. Standing all alone, 

pitying on yourself, reflecting on every cell of yours, as to where did you go wrong. You din't mean to be a reason of 
someone being uncomfortable around you, you just wanted the fellowship. Everything the poor soul respected, 
upheld, loved, cherished, and believed to be the truth comes shattering down in an instant. There is not much time gap 
between knowing something to be true and false. It takes just an instant to fall face down so hard, it takes you ages to 
stand up. Mustering courage, trying to believe something you know is a lie, trying to hope something when your heart 

knows you are gonna fall down again. Ignoring your instincts, letting your guard down you start over. In a fit to 
impress people to make them love you, you lose yourself to the oblivion. Fear of being left alone in a rush is 
heartbreaking, right. And then you are thrown right off your  feet again. WOW, feels great huh !!

Being missed dearly when you were'nt around, tops the list of ecstacy. When a friend of yours, drunk, calls you in the 
middle  of the night to tell you "Buddy i miss you". What was that word again, when you enter the room and silence 
takes over, and what the heck was that word again, when you realise that you were the reason for that. Feeling lonely 
sucks, but being the outcast, that other thinks being lonely is better than actually being in your company, rips you 
apart pieces by pieces.

Ultimate agony is when a complete stranger comes up to ask you, "you look sad, is everything alrite ?" and 
overwhelmed you want to pour your heart out, but instead says " Am fine, 

thank you ".

Story of my life !!!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Physics 101

2 years being on exile and coming back to fill in the gap, a comic writing seems to be a long way to go. You kinda develop an unhealthy relationship with WORDS. Anyways getting down to business.

Women proved themselves capable of excelling in every field.  They completed Herculean missions; scaled insurmountable heights.  But when it comes to Physics, they fail to grasp some basic physical laws.  They either don’t understand these laws or have utter disregard for them.  I believe a Physics 101 is in order.

Law of constant volume: The volume of an object is constant whichever way you bend it.  So the statement, “We can’t fit all the clothes if you just stuff them in the bag.  We need to fold the clothes properly” is not valid.

The law of uniform heat transference: It will take exactly the same amount of time for the wet towel to dry whether it is on the towel-hanger or on bed.

Law of non-magnetism of hands: Human hands do not act as magnets to bacteria, virus, germs and other vicious microbes.  Therefore, washing hands more than twice a day is utter waste of one’s valuable time.

Newton’s First Law: “Don’t throw the car keys in the sofa, you will lose them” contradicts Newton’s First Law.  The keys will continue to stay at rest on the sofa unless some restless force moves them.

Non-transitivity of physical objects: If person A touches an object and person B touches the same object, it is not equivalent to A and C touching and groping each other.  So it is perfectly alright to share a soap among a bunch of people.

Law of conservation of mass: Whichever way you squeeze the toothpaste tube, the amount of toothpaste in the tube does not reduce.

Law of opacity: Light does not travel through opaque objects.  Therefore, the state of disintegration of underwear is not visible to public through other opaque clothing.  So it is perfectly safe to use underwear until it is reduced to a few strands of threads.

Law of fixed boiling point under constant pressure: The gasoline in the gas-tank does not instantly evaporate as soon as the gas indicator lights up

Law of sound not being in visual spectrum: Eyes don’t have to be focused on the source of sound to hear the sound.  So when the eyes are looking at TV, ears can perfectly hear the sound coming out of somebody’s mouth.