
Silent Words

Silent Words

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Cosmic Conundrums and a loner !!!

When I had my first course in physics in class eighth, the first chapter talked of symmetry. It said, nature loves symmetry. For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, for every particle, there is an antiparticle, for every matter there exists an antimatter. Be it a microscopic domain or a macroscopic domain, the rule is followed, sometimes obvious, oblivious the other times. Then there was another concept, the overall aim of science. Unification.

Unify thoughts, reason, phenomenon, spirit, mind, body, anything that happens to exist no matter how small, or how infinite. These thoughts have stayed with me since all the past years. I like them, the aim is really noble. People say that science does not believe in God, or the supernatural. I beg to differ. We, don’t reject the existence of anything or anyone. We still hope that we will find life somewhere extraterrestrial, rather than waiting for them to come and colonialize us. Similarly, we just want to see God, put him to experiment, study his Godliness and find the reason or the process, how it happens. Any other religion and science (Yes, I would consider science as a religion, a practice, a way of living) seek the same goals through different methods. They preach faith in a power unseen taking for granted that It exists, we practice reason and want to see that unseen.

To all those who say that it is beyond the scope of human to reach and understand the works of God, let us just put it up in their own words. God made his beloved human race in his own image. That can mean a lot of things. Yet, two points come to me at present. First, God loves us. And second that, since he made us in his own image, and yet sent us down here on earth, is for a reason. Out of some curiosity, He put in some defect while making us, so that we become humans, more humane humans than Gods. Maybe he fiddles with his curiosity like a huge experiment, to see the outcome of every possibility that can exist. He wants us, to rise, to overcome what defects and flaws we detect in us, to reason it out, and eventually find him.

Reason is what he wants us to seek, reason is what Science seeks. He wants Us to explain everything to ourselves, to find out what happens, how it happens, why it happens, even His works, His manifestations. Don’t seek the reasons in the work of God? Why? He made us in his own image, He wants to be like Him, He knows all the reasons, then why-shouldn’t-we-try-to-find-them. Is it not equivalent to a quest to find Him?
So here I am, to do my part. To seek, reason, through science, art, culture, literature, philosophy, music and every possible realm that I can grasp and try to find symmetry, the perfect poles the ying and yang.

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